Monday, April 9, 2012


We've been bouncing from snow to sunny and warm to snow again. Julia likes the snow, but definitely wants to be outdoors more when it is sunny and warm out! She's been very content this week, getting back in the routine of going to activities, playing with friends and hanging out with family. We had a fun Easter morning, finding eggs, then getting dressed up and going to church for brunch and service, and eating plenty of chocolate.
I've been content this week too, as classes have started and it feels good to be going. Even better has been the news that Dave has been asked to interview for two jobs! One is in Alaska, but a very different part than we've experienced. It's the community of Pelican, right on the coast near Sitka and Juneau. It's a very small school, about 10 kids, and the position is for a teacher/administrator, much like Dave is already doing this year. The other position is a principal job in Gresham, Oregon, just outside Portland. If we went there, we'd be right between both our families, and I'd be in close proximity to all sorts of education opportunities. We're feeling hopeful that things will work out one way or another. It's very depressing to get weeks of rejection letters, so the calls to interview feels pretty darn good. Julia and I have actually gone up to Portland to meet Dave while he's here to interview. I'll miss a little class, but it seems well worth it! Julia has talked about "da-ey" nonstop since I explained to her yesterday that we were going to see Daddy. She's a little confused that he's taking an airplane and we are not, but there's only so much you can explain to a two year old.

going to church!
a snowy morning
but warm enough for a tea party

Julia overcame her fear of hanging bridges. She's really enjoyed being with her friend Celia, pronouncing her name "Sa-Da"
Reading books in bed.
Easter morning! She figured out quickly how to find eggs!

Some were blown eggs stuffed with candies with tissue paper glued over the end. To get the candy, you smash the egg! Great fun, but it took Julia a little convincing that it was ok to smash these egg.
The Easter bunny hid eggs outside too!

in the tree!
assistance from Joe in getting the high ones.
all dressed for church

helping her baby color.

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